ASSOCIATION OF FURRIERS OF SLOVAKIA /AKS/ is a long-standing member of the INTERNATIONAL FUR FEDERATION /IFF/ seated in London and a member of the FUREUROPE - European furrier’s organization seated in Brussels, and was established, like any other professional organization, mainly for the development and promotion of the fur craft in our country, while the positive results of its work in practice also help its non-members and other related industries. Due to its activities and results, AKS has become a recognized partner of central authorities and affiliated institutions in the Slovak Republic. However, IFTF and FUREUROPE are fully aware of its work and activities in all areas of the industry and the fashion industry.
awareness AInformation Informing ITF and FUREUROPE members about everything happening in every area of this sector and in the fashion industry is a completely irreplaceable part of its work and activity.
Natural fur is a clean, sustainable, fashionable material with minimal impacts on landfills and oceans. The fur material is completely biodegradable and sustainable at every stage of production. When taken care of professionally, it will last for decades and is virtually indecomposable in nature, unlike artificial fur made of plastics and additives of chemical substances which ends up in the waste after a few seasons. The process of producing fur garments meets the highest environmental standards; more over furs are processed by several generations – on demand they are reworked and altered, with various accessories sewn from them - pillows, blankets, covers, textile pads, caps and waistcoats … jackets, boleros, scarves, and the like are sewn from cuttings.
At present, more than a million skilled people work in the fur industry. The global retail value of fur is now more than 30 billion. USD. In Slovakia we no longer have farms for breeding fur animals - Slovak furriers mainly buy fur materials at world fur auction, the most renowned of which are in Denmark, Finland, Russia, the United States of America and Canada.
Currently, most fur comes from specialized farms, and only about 15% comes from the rich wild populations, all under very strict rules, regulation, directives, state and governmental approvals of quotas, along with permanent research in all areas of our ecosystem.
Thanks to the existence and work of AKS in Slovakia, furs have returned from the background to the foreground and their rightful socio-valued reputation has been restored. The public awareness of the global importance of this sector, of the hard work of furriers and its progress, but also about the significance of smaller family firms and small traders who perform also very valuable work in this field.
Since 2004, when the Association of Furriers of Slovakia held at the HOLIDAY INN Hotel in Bratislava its first representative gala evening together with a grand fur fashion show of models of the winter season 2004/2005, the annual staging of these social advertising campaigns has become one of the most important events of the Association of Furriers of Slovakia.
The second representative gala evening of AKS was held a year later, in the much more appropriate and representative rooms of the beautiful historic RADISSON SAS Carlton Hotel in Bratislava. From that date, this top representative event of the activities and work of AKS and Slovak furriers, the Gala Dinner, has been held at the premises of this, one of the oldest and most beautiful hotels in Bratislava. It of course always enjoys the full support of IFF and currently also of FUR EUROPE, every year in the months of October or November.